Director (Executive Board)
Dr. Markus Pieper
Board of Trustees and Advisory Boards
Saxon Memorial Foundation Board of Trustees
Barbara Klepsch (chair)
Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism
Dr. Nancy Aris
Saxon Commissioner for the Reappraisal of the Dictatorship of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany
Maria Bering
Representative of the Federal Government
Burkhard Jung
Representative of the Saxon state-wide municipal associations
Küf Kaufmann
Representative of the Jewish Communities in Saxony
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lindenberger
Director of the Hannah-Arendt-Institute of Totalitarianism Studies at the Technical University of Dresden
Dr. Roland Löffler
Director of the Saxon State Centre for Civic Education
Dr. Gesine Märtens
Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality
Dr. Birgit Mitzscherlich
Representative of the Diocese of Dresden-Meissen
Bernd Müller-Kaller
Representative nominated by the Advisory Board
Dagmar Neukirch
Saxon State Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Cohesion
Ingolf Notzke
Representative nominated by the Advisory Board
Daniela Schmohl
Representative nominated by the Advisory Board
Uwe Schwabe
Representative nominated by the Advisory Board
Christoph Seele, High Consistory
Representative of the Lutheran Church of Saxony
Dr. Josephine Ulbricht
Representative nominated by the Advisory Board
Dr. Herbert Wagner
Representative nominated by the Advisory Board
Advisory Board of the Saxon Memorial Foundation
Uljana Sieber (chair)
Erkenntnis durch Erinnerung e.V. (Association of the Bautzner Straße Memorial in Dresden)
Dr. Daniel Ristau (vice chair)
Representative of the Jewish Communities in Saxony
Ralph Beckert
Saxon State Advisory Council for the Interests of People with Disabilities
Steffen Börner
Representative of the Roman Catholic Church
Linda Fleck
Kuratorium Gedenkstätte Sonnenstein e.V. (Trustees of the Sonnenstein Memorial)
Dr. Magdalena Herbst
Representative of the Lutheran Church of Saxony
Tobias Hollitzer
Bürgerkomitee Leipzig e.V. (Citizens Committee of Leipzig)
Wolfgang Howald
Münchner-Platz-Komitee e.V. (Münchner Platz Memorial Committee)
Dr. Wiebke Janssen
supporting association of the Grossschweidnitz memorial
Alexander Latotzky
Bautzen-Komitee e.V. (Bautzen Committee)
Jens Leschner
Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes/Bund der Antifaschisten (VVN/BdA) e.V. (Association of Victims of Persecution by the Nazi Regime/Federation of Anti-Fascists)
Frank-Michael Nemetz
Bund der Stalinistisch Verfolgten e.V. (Federation of the Victims of Stalinist Persecution)
Dr. Jörg Osterloh
Förderverein Gedenkstätte Ehrenhain Zeithain e.V. (supporting association of the Zeithain Memorial Grove)
Carla Ottmann
Stollberg City Administration
André Raatzsch
Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum Deutsche Sinti und Roma e.V. (Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma)
Hartmut Richter
Opfer-, Förder- und Dokumentationsverein Bautzen II e.V. (victims association of supporting and recording of Bautzen II)
Manuela Rummel
Initiativgruppe Geschlossener Jugendwerkhof Torgau e. V. (Closed Juvenile Detention Centre Torgau)
Andreas Schönfelder
Umweltbibliothek Großhennersdorf e.V., Martin-Luther-King-Zentrum Werdau e.V., Archiv Bürgerbewegung Leipzig e.V. (Grosshennersdorf Environmental Library, Martin Luther King Centre, Archive of the Citizens' Movement)
Milan Spindler
Erinnern an NS-Verbrechen in Leipzig e.V. (Nazi Forced Labour in Leipzig)
Dr. Rolf Surmann
Bundesvereinigung Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz e.V. (Federal Association of the Victims of the National Socialist Military Judiciary)
Academic Advisory Board of the Saxon Memorial Foundation
Prof. Dr. Joachim Scholtyseck (chair)
University of Bonn
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Endlich
Honorary Professor of Public Art at University of the Arts Berlin
Daniel Gaede
Buchenwald Memorial, Weimar
Prof. Dr. Mike Schmeitzner
Hannah-Arendt-Institute of Totalitarianism Studies at the Technical University of Dresden
Prof. Klaus Vogel
former Director of the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden